Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Perfect System and Complete Revolutionary Guide


The Perfect System

Well, most of us have pretty much figured out by now that living under our current corpratism is quite stressful, frustrating and alienating. Even if they do have a drug for all that.

But what of the alternatives?

It sure does seem like every new expedition to rectify the system for the good of mankind meets an even mightier wall to surmount; and every somewhat serious attempt at creating a grand new way of doing things somehow ends up more evil than it’s predecessor. At least that’s what the history books tell us.

I thought I, Anonymous might share with you my own carefully gathered philosophy. Yep, I’m just going to barge right in here with my own take on how we all should live our lives like I’m New Aged Utopian Moses or something. You can make it up to me by inventing your own witty -ism for my concept.

Most of you will think I’m a nutter, but some of you will think I’m a maverick. If you’re the latter I’m doing this for you, as you’re a nutter and I like you. For the rest of you, I will condense this whole thing down to just the end of this article, giving you all infinately more value per word than all of the great political philosophers who’s books you’ve never read. Combined. Also, it will succeed. It’s guaranteed by me, Anonymous.

The Perfect System – New Popular Edition


Overview and complete revolutionary guide condensed to the end of a single opinion article.


It’s the near future. The planet’s seemingly inevitable peril has been averted last minute by a massive shift in human values and consciousness. Crime of all kinds virtually ends, and cities and towns become a series of vibrant communities where people care for each others needs collectively. People become rooted and instead of taking destructively from the land and environment around them, they build on it, knowing that their families will benefit from their care for generations to come. There is abundance, with seeming ease.

People dust off and finally feel fulfilled, exercising their own free will about how and when they work and rest. Despite the lack of government or corporate power, people are virtually universally guaranteed freedom of movement, housing, and all kinds of nourishment. Many spontaneously heal from their physical and mental illnesses that proved to be the product of their general dis-ease.

Somehow, through a treaty of mutual respect and care, it all works, it all stays peaceful save the occasional scuffle, immediately regretted. Nobody really wants war, and you can’t really have a war if nobody shows up. Everyone is too busy having fun or simply enjoying life.

Peace. Happiness. Fires. Drumming circles.

“Yes, Anonymous” I hear you grown, “I’ve heard your idealist Utopian hippie dream-boat doo-gooder fantasy before. You won’t succeed on your own and the masses are too brain-dead and servile to rise up with you.”

All true. Thanks for the segway.

Complete Revolutionary Guide


The perfect system is the simple system. Most humans today engage with a system that is immensely complex and difficult to understand. We have to be trained from an early age how to act appropriately within it. Sadly it also teaches us to be at odds with our gut feelings and concience, alienating us from our friends and family. We are shuffled like cattle from place to place in the pursuit of involving ourselves in other people’s financial transactions, mostly for the benefit of people who don’t respect us or even know us.

The truth is that we already know what to do.

Can you think of where you heard about my hippie utopia dream? In some ways it’s not too different to the way your ancestors lived for many many generations. Sure, I tainted the story somewhat with my perspective, but in essense a way of life like this is stamped on our conciousness, an instinct.

The entities that have hijacked our existence have a system is modelled on our own. The human system. It’s the structure of institution that takes us off our course. Clearly defind rules tell us how to arrange and organise for education, law, politics, sport. You reap what you sow. The campfire becomes the television, instead of promoting discussion it gives us it’s own view, expecting us to sit in silence.

Experimentation and failure are removed from education. Places for healing become sterile and empty. Our pastures are barren and dry. Leaders don’t know what to do and certainly aren’t the ones doing it. Love is kept for someone special and not shared, and hate, well, that’s applied liberally. Community is a brand. Everything that we used to care about is carved up for someone elses profit.
The process is quite simple, really. You just have to block out the noise a bit and listen to yourself. In case you live in upside down world and don’t know how to do this, here are a few tips to get you going:

* Reject hate and greed. As justified as you might feel, if you are acting out of hate or greed, you are not serving yourself or those you care about in the long run. Without these things blinding you, you will see things much more clearly.

* Do not allow yourself to be stressed or pressured. Ever. If something regularly stresses you, then change it. If someone attempts to engage you in a pressure filled situation, be wary. If you think stress is unavoidable, stop thinking that stress is unavoidable, and you might be able to avoid it.

* Renew your relationship with food. Cut out things that fool your taste and eat good nutritious food that you enjoy. Most importantly this food must be shared with other people, as many of them as possible and as often as possible.

* Strengthen your ties with other people, especially those who are local or family. Share your space with lots of people. If this is not possible, move. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have private space, but you determine where that begins and ends your own way. Don’t trust whoever built your fence line to set your boundaries for you.
* Don’t be afraid of giving things away, or recieving. Be creative in finding things. Money is a tool that is used to remove your power over the way you do things. Try to do as much as possible without it, and worlds of opportunity will open to you. Share space, if you have it. If you don’t, find someone who does!

Basically, group up, find a base, share resources, treat each other respectfully. Be happy and kind to yourself. There will no doubt be bumps along the path, but If you do it right, you will have the safety and stability to choose what you do in life, for the good of a wider community that you truly care about. The feeling of self empowerment gained will be second to none, and when you reach that point, we will have won.

This document is free to redistribute. Go put it somewhere. The surrounding website is “owned” by it’s respective “owners” and they don’t necessarily agree with me."

-- Anonymous

Monday, June 4, 2012



‎"-The Anarchist Project-

1. 7 [Actually probably closer to 8, but yeah] billion people celebrate the globel collapse of capitalism and the state. And ask themselves, how do we provide food, water, shelter and a cultured social life when the cities are toxic and all the fossil fuel is now floating in a cloud over our heads?

2. As vast tracts of aggricultural land is free from corporate control, the eath is rapidly sprinkled with aggricultural communes to deal with the pressing problem of mass starvation( turns out we did not need a computor to tell us to grow food . . . and to do it quickly)

[Computers helping us find the best agricultural ecology for the local conditions would be nice though, as would a maybe helpful robotic labour... ;) All you need for a generator enough to power a computer is some copper wire to wind and a scrounged bike... This is already being done in africa]

3. Lack of transport means the aggriculureal communes have to create their own city centres. Good old mud brick is the most unfucked up and flectible resource left intact by capitalism . . . so tens, hundreds, or even thousands of communes\communities work together to build city centers within their communal networks for the exchange of food and small workshop goods. The city centers reflect the personalities of all the individually different communes\communities which in turn reflect the personalities of the individuals living in them. The citys all appear in organic, mostly rounded shapes. They are inventive and creative buildings and land scapes. Some are markets and others are museums and works of art and so on.
These cities become points of exchange that generate a social life through dymamic culure. Just like crowds of people, in the crowded cities, there is far more difference of design than sameness.

[IIRC best mudbrick is straw mixed with mud dried... I suspect housing would also be made of odds and ends like bits of metal lying around y'know, waste not want not

Scrounging will happen and there'll be a lot to scrounge

Maybe the cities will be circular >^.^< ]

4. The social fabric, is the law of culture, the law of culture is dynamic and under the decentralized control of everyone according to where they live and work. It is considered a crime to try to make a decision about someone elses home, work place, community or city. Street councils run streets. Streets have aggricultureal land and produce what ever they like. What each street delivers to market is a point of pride.

[Well ok, some circular cities, but there'll be plenty of other shapes too :D]

5. There are many languages and cultures across the globe as well as many common hybrids. Hierachical power and homogenization are considered as the enemy and many people are prepared to fight to the death to protect their freedom.

[English will probably end up being a trading language, but shakespear was always better in the original klingon]

6. Everything is organized by street councils and workers co-ops. Were every necessary, a spokes council structure links communities and guilds.

7. And yes, people have had the brains to organize roads, schools and hospitals.

8. People have also organized defence militas with rotated members to defend their communities and cities against the constant raise of small groups of troble makers such as religious nuts and capo-fascists just like they should have done 5000yrs ago.

9. Life is not just a comfortable day in the local art center, it is a challeng for many as there are alway new problems and every street has its own hall and every community its own spokes council and every city it own square or ampitheatre to discuss and deal with this sometime comfortable and some times problematic life.


BTW people freak out about global warming, or go into deep denial about it

But did you know it's greening the sahara...


I guess there's some justice in the world



Cut and paste, cut and paste these are our sacred toolz :D


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Unsourced Wikiquote no longer allows unsourced quotations, and they are in process of being removed from our pages (see Wikiquote:Limits on quotations); but if you can provide a reliable and precise source for any quote on this list please move it to Robert Anton Wilson. --Antiquary 18:11, 7 April 2009 (UTC)
Oh c'mon... *sigh* COPYPASTA! An Enlightened Master is ideal only if your goal is to become a Benighted Slave. Belief in external "obscenity" is the modern form of the witchcraft delusion. Certitude belongs exclusively to those who only own one encyclopedia. Consciousness itself is an infinite regress. This explains coincidences. Ego is a social fiction for which one person at a time gets all the blame. Every model we make tells us how our mind works as much as it tells us about the universe. These are just human symbolic games: the universe itself is bigger than any of our models; ergo, any model we make doesn't describe the universe, it describes what our brains are capable of saying at this time. Everyone look around and see if you can spot the NARCS. They're the ones who look like hippies. Excrement, incestuous person. I require my copulating currency, incestuous person. Spike Lee, as translated into "Clean". Groups are grammatical fictions; only individuals exist, and each individual is different. Humans live through their myths and only endure their realities. I have never experienced another human being. I have experienced my impressions of them. I regard belief as a form of brain damage, the death of intelligence, the fracture of creativity, the atrophy of imagination. I see anarchism as the theoretical ideal to which we are all gradually evolving to a point where everybody can tell the truth to everybody else and nobody can get punished for it. That can only happen without hierarchy and without people having the authority to punish other people. I think the joy of art is trying to convey what you perceive so that other people will perceive it more or less the same way. Art is a form of seduction. I mean, there are rapists in the intellectual world: they become politicians; the seducers become artists: we try to seduce people into our reality tunnel instead of leading them there with a gun, but we are trying to get them into our reality — our reality tunnel or our reality labyrinth or whichever it is: in my case it's a reality labyrinth. If lawyers had been present on Mount Sinai, the Ten Commandments would have twelve hundred amendments, all summing to the conclusion: The rich may ignore the rules, the poor will be hanged if they violate the smallest subordinate clause. If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full of shit. This one is cited as the content of "a card on RAW's desk" in various places like Magia sexualis: sex, magic, and liberation in modern Western esotericism By Hugh B. Urban Fcp 08:24, 29 June 2011 (UTC) Most of our ancestors were not perfect ladies and gentlemen. The majority of them weren't even mammals. Most people live in a myth and grow violently angry if anyone dares to tell them the truth about themselves. Much of what the world calls sanity is really a hypnosis or dream, much of what is called lunacy is a terrible perceptiveness. Nobody sees the obvious, nobody observes the ordinary. There are more miracles in a square yard of earth than in all the fables of the Church. Nothing of any importance can be taught. It can only be learned, and with blood and sweat. Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. I'm mad but not ill. On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security prison, the only intelligent choice is to plan a jail break. Parsifal, the pure fool: He is pure because he has never learned the guilt and shame that the false gnosis of the churches has imposed on the rest of us. The symbolism of his lance redeeming the wasteland is rather overt. Philadelphia merely seems dull because it's next to exciting Camden, New Jersey. Pregnancy is a kind of miracle. Especially so in that it proves that a man and woman can conspire to force God to create a new soul. Size is not a reality, but a construct of the mind; and space a construct to contain constructs. The abandoned infant's cry is rage, not fear. The average is that which no person quite ever is. The border between the Real and the Unreal is not fixed, but just marks the last place where rival gangs of shamans fought each other to a standstill. The function of Law? The recitation of the unintelligible by the unscrupulous to empty the purses of the unwary. The function of Theology? The recitation of the incomprehensible by the unspeakable to pick the pockets of the unthinking. The Grail is the womb of the beloved. The greatest prejudice that exists in the modern world, the only one almost universally accepted, is the prejudice against children. Also attributed to Reverend Loveshade The path up is the path down. The way forward is the way back. The universe inside is outside but the universe outside is inside. The Right's view of government and the Left's view of big business are both correct. The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental. The web of life is a beautiful and meaningless dance. The web of life is a process with a moving goal. The web of life is a perfectly finished work of art right where I am sitting now. There are gods, but there is no God; and all gods become devils eventually. There is no complete theory of anything. There is one universal sex law: Sex shall not be unregulated. We live in our fantasies and endure our realities. When the rose and the cross are united the alchemical marriage is complete and the drama ends. Then we wake from history and enter eternity. You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you. You know, I have found a new way to get high and stay spaced out for hours on end, and the government can't stop me... It's called senility... You never get "outside." What you call "outside" is another part of "inside." We're trapped in linguistic constructs... all that is is metaphor... "It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea." END COPYPASTA IT'S NOT PAPER! HOW MANY TIMES WOULD THE COPYPASTA'D TEXT ABOVE FIT INTO EVEN A CD-ROM? Let alone a terrabyte hardrive?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

No more heroes, no more manifestos

It cannot be denied, that

There are no technological

Reasons why all texts, all

Films, all music ever

Recorded and preserved

Till this present time

Cannot be available

To all

Equally, it cannot be denied

That there is enough food

Produced on this earth

To feed all

Furthermore, it cannot be
Denied that robotics has
Developed to the point
That bitter toil, is

Given these obvious truths
The question then becomes,
How to get from the here
This state we find ourselves

To a state where all are fed
All work from now on,
And all work done till now
Are to the benefit of all

Despite all obstacles placed
In the path of such,
It cannot be denied
That unconscious, even
Of the fact that there are
No technological reasons
That anyone connected to
This communications network
Known as the internet
Cannot access the sum
Of all information preserved
Till this time.
People act in accordance
With a disregard for, the
Notion that products of
The mind, and spirit
Are something that can
Be owned

As according to the economic fact
That the cost of replicating data,
Is now infinitesimal

This property of data,
Its inalienable nature,
Of belonging to all
Has become an undeniable

This severance bespeaks
A further coming separation,
Between the abstract
Concept of "property"
And of material necessities,
Such as homes and possessions

Simply put, the concept that
An idea can be possessed,
Slowly but surely becomes
Exorcised from experience

Over one hundred years ago
Mathew Arnold wrote;

"It is of itself a serious calamity for a nation that its tone of feeling and grandeur of spirit should be lowered or dulled. But the calamity appears far more serious still when we consider that the middle classes, remaining as they are now, with their narrow, harsh, unintelligent, and unattractive spirit and culture, will almost certainly fail to mould or assimilate the masses below them, whose sympathies are at the present moment actually wider and more liberal than theirs. They arrive, these masses, eager to enter into possession of the world, to gain a more vivid sense of their own life and activity. In this their irrepressible development, their natural educators and initiators are those immediately above them, the middle classes. If these classes cannot win their sympathy or give them their direction, society is in danger of falling into anarchy."

Well we're all living in anarchy now, but
Anarchy without order.

Yet not so... For as the logic of this
Obsolete state presses down upon
The majority of the people of
The world, uniting us into one class
A consciousness arises, not contained
In any one person, but as a sum of our
Actions, the legislative obstacles placed
Against the natural sharing of information
Places a value on that which is liberated
Through self-declaration, such as applies
To this work, that it is in the public domain
Or through summaries desperately created
To liberate that which people find value in
Or shared in the whole in shadows and corners

These obstacles, although creating an economic drag
At the same time curate the work that has gone on
Till now, and this summary valued by the labour
That goes into the liberation

A value not defined by
The quantity of money
But instead as quality

No more heroes to follow,
The definition of a hero is someone
Who gets other people killed
And no one person can
Even pretend, or become
Against their will, the interpreter, of
This anarchy,

No more manifestos, the total
Of all this liberated knowledge is
Our manifesto

The accessibility to all of this knowledge
Our current goal

This was true before these words
Were ever written and will remain true
Even though they have been articulated

None of us alone can solve
The logistical issues denying
Some food, when there is enough
For all

Or automate production to
Render toil obsolete

But the whole is greater than the
Sum, and although none of us
Individually can create a program
That will free us, together all
as one

An arguing whole, disagreeing
At every point

We will find what we seek

And when it happens no one
Will be able to point and say
Here's how it happened
Here are the great men
Who made it so

It will just be
And then we will
Improve upon
What would seem
To us to be

This is the law

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Abandon theory for a moment...

After all in theory there's no difference between theory and practice;

In practice there is

Theory can sometimes be a good map, but in reality you live in the real world,
Where practice makes perfect

What does God mean?

Ignore theory for the moment, and just consider the image below

Language is at root a means for people to communicate with each other, and unlike most statements on god, this statement will make sense to anyone, from the most committed atheist to the most dedicated god-fearer...

So therefore, in practice, the true meaning behind the word "god" must tie into it somehow


LECTURE VI : 26 February "1936"---PAGE 868------------Miss Toni Wolff : Does it not also explain his dream of the devil's face in a more synthetic way? ( Wolff being a Intuition superior function type? : )--------------------Prof. Jung : That is true. The dream of the devil's face when Zarathustra showed his "other side" become more understandable now--he is the devil himself.----------------------Yea, ye also my friends, will be alarmed by my "wild Wisdom"; and perhaps ye will flee therefrom, along with mine enemies.----------------------------THIS is another "Manifestation" of that peculiar "Wotan Effect" which is so incredible. Yet it is a fact that "Old Wotan" has to certain extent [come to life again]; one "hears" of it either directly or indirectly, and if anybody predicted such a FACT "twenty years ago", it would have been thought utterly impossible. It has become a FACT to the extent that the [Attitude of the ruling party in Germany] is really against the CHURCH; they are trying to subjugate the CHURCH and to translate, as it were, the terminology of the CHURCH into a sort of Pagan BELIEF. That idea of Pagan Christianity or the German ["faith"] is of course nothing else than the {Nationalization of GOD}; they then have a specific {[national GOD]}, Wotan for the German as Jahveh was for the Jew. --------------------------[e.g.? The American Religious Right Fundamentalists "faith" is a kind of Nationalization of GOD? as Zionists Settlers are a Nationalization of GOD? as the Saudi Royal Family is a Nationalization of GOD? as Ayatollah ALi Khamenei is a Nationalization of GOD? as the Church of England/Queen is a Nationalization of GOD? etc. : )]--------------THAT is quite inevitable. And it is understandable that in the face of such even friends might be ALARMED. One "is" ALARMED! I have quite a number of German friends and I must say I am alarmed by the FACT that they are so [gripped].---------------PAGE 868 : Volume II : LECTURE VI : 26 February "1936" C.G.Jung's Nietzsche's Zarathustra.

-- Anonymous

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

OCCUPY SAMIZDAT: Basic Effing Logic 101: Unions, and Intersections

SAMIZDAT:All copyright on this work, beyond that necessary to prevent it from falling out of the public domain is disclaimed. Copy copiously. Alter freely. Plagiarise freely, no attribution required or requested.

Now, in the spirit of, one must first know the rules to break them, and also; Bob's Quick Guide to the Apostrophe, You Idiots. Let's begin...

At school, this is probably taught quickly squeezed in between trigonometry, and calculus along with boolean algebra

When really it is so easy.... So simple that it should be taught around the same time they are teaching you that 1+1=2.

If you learnt it at school you probably got taught it using all sorts of noodly things such as set theory and the slightly less scary venn diagram.

There's a simpler way to understand unions and intersections.


Take your left hand, raise one finger and make it a forward slash

Like: /


Take your right hand, raise one finger and... take a wild guess

That's right a backward slash: \


Now, cross the two fingers so they form a cross

Which should look like an X

The point where the two fingers cross is the intersection

The combination of the two fingers forming an X is the union of your left finger forming a / and your right finger forming an \


Ok, at this point if you have a piece of paper and some pens handy we're in for a bit of fun

First draw a forward slash /

Then draw a back slash \

Label one, theory

Label the other, practice

now draw an X

Circle the intersection

Circle around the whole X to circle the union


Experiment, draw a bunch of lines crossing each other, then circle the intersections

Finally circle the union